Multiple Purposes, One Smart Page

Discover the Diversity of Smart Pages

With Sabi.Link's Smart Pages, you're not confined to a template; you're given a canvas. Whether you're a content creator, small business owner, influencer, or simply want to make a mark online, discover the versatility and adaptability of what Sabi.Link offers through our curated use cases.

Remember, the use cases below and their respective blocks can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the individual or business.

Social Media Influencer

Promote collaborations, share exclusive content, and connect with followers.

Suggested Blocks

  • person_pin

    Avatar: Influencer's signature image.

  • view_carousel

    Image Slider: Highlighted posts/photos.

  • play_circle

    Video: Exclusive content or behind-the-scenes.

  • shopping_cart

    External Product Link: Sponsored items.

  • share

    Socials: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.

Content Creator (YouTuber)

Showcase popular videos, offer exclusive content, and gather fan support.

Suggested Blocks

  • live_tv

    Avatar: Channel's logo.

  • play_circle

    Video: Featured videos.

  • monetization_on

    Donation & Tips: Fan support.

  • share

    Socials: YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Fitness Trainer

Display workout routines, offer personal training sessions, and share fitness tips.

Suggested Blocks

  • fitness_center

    Avatar: Feature the trainer's image or a workout snapshot.

  • play_circle

    Video: Embed workout demonstrations.

  • format_list_bulleted

    List: Detail a workout routine or plan.

  • local_offer

    Service Offering: List personal training offerings.

  • touch_app

    Call To Action: Enable direct contact for booking.

  • question_answer

    FAQ: Address common workout queries.

  • star_rate

    Review: Display feedback from past clients.

  • share

    Socials: Add social media profiles.

Digital Artist

Showcase artistic creations, sell digital prints, and connect with fans.

Suggested Blocks

  • brush

    Avatar: Feature the artist's portrait or a sample artwork.

  • image

    Image Slider: Rotate through various artworks.

  • shopping_bag

    Digital Product: List and sell digital art prints.

  • contact_mail

    Call To Action: Contact for art commissions.

  • attach_money

    OpenSea NFT: Display NFT art listings.

  • link

    Socials: Link to social media art platforms.

  • feedback

    Testimonials: Feedback from art buyers.

Event Organizer

Advertise upcoming events, sell tickets, and provide event details.

Suggested Blocks

  • event

    Heading: Name of the event.

  • hourglass_empty

    Countdown: Time left until the event starts.

  • photo

    Image: Promotional event poster.

  • payment

    PayPal Payment: Ticket purchase option.

  • help_outline

    FAQ: Answer questions related to the event.

  • play_circle

    Video: Teasers or past event clips.

  • group

    Socials: Event's social media profiles.


Promote new music, list upcoming gigs, and engage with fans.

Suggested Blocks

  • music_note

    Avatar: Band logo or musician's portrait.

  • library_music

    Spotify: Feature the latest track or album.

  • video_library

    YouTube: Latest music videos.

  • queue_music

    List: Upcoming concert dates.

  • mic

    Call To Action: Booking inquiries.

  • link

    Socials: Links to music platforms and social profiles.

Real Estate Agent

Showcase property listings, offer consultancy, and share market insights.

Suggested Blocks

  • account_circle

    Avatar: Agent's professional photo.

  • view_module

    Image Grid: Property images.

  • home

    List: Features of highlighted properties.

  • build

    Service Offering: Real estate consultation services.

  • phone

    Call To Action: Inquiry form.

  • videocam

    Video: Virtual property tours.

  • rate_review

    Review: Testimonials from past clients.


Share latest articles, collect subscriber emails, and promote affiliated products.

Suggested Blocks

  • portrait

    Avatar: Blogger's image.

  • rss_feed

    RSS Feed: Recent article updates.

  • email

    Email Collector: Form for newsletter sign-up.

  • shopping_cart

    External Product Link: Affiliate products.

  • play_circle

    YouTube Feed: Latest vlog updates.

  • link

    Big Link: Descriptive link to blog.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.

E-commerce Store Owner

Highlight products, announce sales, and direct traffic to online store.

Suggested Blocks

  • store

    Heading: Store name.

  • view_carousel

    Image Slider: Rotate through top-selling products.

  • alarm

    Countdown: Time left for ongoing sales.

  • shop

    External Product Link: Direct product links.

  • email

    Email Collector: Newsletter sign-up.

  • share

    SocialsStore's social media profiles.

Educational Tutor

Share lesson plans, upload tutorial videos, and offer private tutoring sessions.

Suggested Blocks

  • school

    Avatar: Tutor's image.

  • play_arrow

    Video: Embedded educational tutorials.

  • insert_drive_file

    File: Downloadable lesson materials.

  • book_online

    Service Offering: Private tutoring slots.

  • help

    FAQ: Common academic queries.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.


Promote latest episodes, collect listener emails, and link to all platforms.

Suggested Blocks

  • headset

    Avatar: Podcast cover art.

  • record_voice_over

    Spotify: Latest podcast episode.

  • email

    Email Collector: Newsletter for episode updates.

  • link

    Link: Podcast platform links.

  • share

    Socials: Podcast's social media profiles.


Display portfolio, list services, and facilitate client interactions..

Suggested Blocks

  • work_outline

    Avatar: Freelancer's image.

  • view_comfy

    Image Grid: Sample work or projects.

  • work

    Service Offering: List of services provided.

  • contact_phone

    Call To Action: Direct contact for hiring.

  • rate_review

    Review: Client testimonials.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.


Showcase photography portfolio, sell prints, and book photoshoots.

Suggested Blocks

  • camera_alt

    Avatar: Photographer's image.

  • collections

    Image Grid: Display top photographs.

  • shopping_bag

    Digital Product: Sell digital prints.

  • camera_enhance

    Service Offering: Photoshoot booking.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.

Startup Founder

Showcase startup vision, introduce the team, and attract potential investors.

Suggested Blocks

  • business_center

    Avatar: Feature the startup logo.

  • new_releases

    Heading: "Our Vision".

  • text_snippet

    Paragraph: Brief about the startup's mission and vision.

  • view_module

    Image Grid: Display the team members.

  • play_circle

    Video: Introduction or pitch video.

  • mail

    Email Collector: For investors or potential clients to get in touch.

  • share

    Socials: Link to startup's social media channels.


Display the menu, announce daily specials, and accept reservations.

Suggested Blocks

  • restaurant

    Avatar: Restaurant's logo or a dish snapshot.

  • view_carousel

    Image Slider: Photos of the dishes.

  • shopping_cart

    External Product Link: Direct meal of the day link.

  • link

    Link: Link to digital menu.

  • timer

    Countdown: Time left for a special offer or happy hour.

  • phone

    Call To Action: For direct reservations.

  • share

    Socials: Restaurant's social media channels.

Wedding Planner

Showcase past wedding events, offer planning services, and collect inquiries.

Suggested Blocks

  • favorite

    Avatar: Planner's logo or a wedding image.

  • image

    Image Slider: Photos from past events.

  • local_offer

    Service Offering: Packages and pricing.

  • rate_review

    Review: Feedback from past clients.

  • contact_mail

    Call To Action: For direct bookings or inquiries.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.

Indie Film Maker

Showcase films, behind the scenes, and gather fan support.

Suggested Blocks

  • movie

    Avatar: Logo or movie poster.

  • play_circle

    Video: Trailers or full movies.

  • view_carousel

    Image Slider: Behind the scenes photos.

  • monetization_on

    Donation & Tips: To support upcoming projects.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.

Life Coach

Share personal development tips, offer coaching sessions, and showcase client success stories.

Suggested Blocks

  • face

    Avatar: Life coach's image.

  • play_circle

    Video: Personal development tips or seminars.

  • local_offer

    Service Offering: Coaching packages.

  • rate_review

    Review: Client feedback.

  • email

    Call To Action: For booking sessions.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.


Display handcrafted products, share the crafting process, and sell directly to consumers.

Suggested Blocks

  • brush

    Avatar: Craftsman's logo or image.

  • view_module

    Image Grid: Crafted products.

  • play_circle

    Video: Crafting process or tutorials.

  • shopping_bag

    Digital Product or External Product Link: Items for sale.

  • share

    Socials: Links to social profiles.


Share daily news highlights, promote subscriptions, and engage with local community.

Suggested Blocks

  • menu_book

    Avatar: Newspaper's logo.

  • rss_feed

    RSS Feed: Daily news updates.

  • email

    Email Collector: Newsletter subscriptions.

  • announcement

    Alert: Important community announcements.

  • event_seat

    Socials: Links to social profiles.

Why Be Ordinary, When You Can Be Extraordinary?

Take the leap from the standard to the standout with Sabi.Link's Smart Pages. Dive into a world where your digital presence is uniquely yours. Ready to go beyond the ordinary?